In recent years, the formation of an E-government is considered one of the factors in the further development of democracy in developed countries. E-government through the use of modern information technologies creates conditions for providing information and e-services to all citizens residing in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, legal and physical persons, foreign citizens, and stateless persons by government bodies.
The main objective of the created opportunities is to reduce the ‘distance’ between civil servants and citizens in the provision of social services, as well as simplify and make these relations transparent. The widespread use of electronic services by public authorities, increasing their number and improving their quality, and enhancing citizens’ satisfaction with the services are means of achieving this goal.
In accordance with international practice, the e-government portal, which is organized on the basis of the “single window” principle where e-services are provided by government agencies, is applied to organize contacts between citizens and public authorities in a more appropriate way.
The project deals with supporting the government in providing digital literacy to people by using electronic services of the e-government.