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October 04, 2022, Stockholm The members of the Board of Directors of the “Modern Information Society and Innovations” Public Union, which is the winner of the special grant competition announced by the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan within the “Year of Shusha”, visiting the Kingdom of Sweden, in accordance with the project plan, “Smart City” ” / Continues meetings to examine the Scandinavian model of ensuring citizen participation in the implementation of the “Smart Village” concept. In the meeting with Maria Holm, the head of the “Internet of Things” project for Stockholm, and Claes Johannesson, the head of the “Smart Stockholm” program, the experience of Sweden, especially Stockholm, was discussed regarding the provision of citizen participation in the construction of the “Smart City”. First, the organization of trainings and workshops, as well as the teaching of lessons involving familiarization with ICT starting from pre-school education, were highlighted as effective methods of developing digital skills. It was noted that in order to facilitate the use of ICT by elderly and disabled persons, the user-friendly design of technologies is specially taken into account. It was also stated by the municipal officials that residents can participate in the design of the city and make suggestions regarding the organization of infrastructure through the “Stockholm room” and the website, which is a virtual reflection of the city as a 3D model. Also, the “Citizen Panel” organized to study the public opinion encourages the city residents to actively participate in the process. The organization of the panel is designed to study the opinions and suggestions of residents who are the main stakeholders of the city. The municipal officials were given detailed information about the important works done in the field of “Smart city/village” construction in Azerbaijan in recent times, in particular, the successful implementation of the relevant concept in Agali village of Zangilan district as an existing best practice. At the same time, opinions were exchanged on the points that should be taken into account during the reconstruction of the city of Shusha based on the relevant concept.
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