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October 06, 2022, Stockholm The members of the Board of Directors of the “Modern Information Society and Innovations” Public Union, which is the winner of the special grant competition announced by the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan within the “Year of Shusha”, visiting the Kingdom of Sweden, in accordance with the project plan, “Smart City” ” / Continues meetings to examine the Scandinavian model of ensuring citizen participation in the implementation of the “Smart Village” concept. The meeting with Jonas Tornblom, president of the Stockholm Management Center, was very useful in learning about the experience of building a “Smart City” on a crumbling infrastructure. During the meeting, detailed information was provided on the transformation of the Hammarby region in Stockholm over the past 30 years, its revival through the application of the most modern technology and innovation. As a result of the cooperation and proper coordination of stakeholders, Hammarby is currently one of the best examples of a “smart” and sustainable city model where car use is excluded and waste-to-energy is ensured. It is no coincidence that on the basis of Hammarby’s experience, revolutionary steps were taken in the field of city-building in the People’s Republic of China and the city of the same name “Hammarby” was established. As for citizen participation, Mr. Tornblom believes that one of the biggest challenges in the field is to identify and encourage people who are reluctant and even sometimes opposed to the “Smart City” to participate in city development. Skeptical approach to the application of modern technologies is often associated with uncertainty resulting from ignorance, and as a result, fear and anxiety. Therefore, it is very important to educate citizens about the “smart solutions” that will be applied from the initial stages of urban development and the advantages they provide. After the discussion of educational methods suitable for different groups (age, education level, etc.), a trip to the Hammarby region, where sustainability is ensured, was organized, the possibilities of application of the applied technologies in the city of Shusha, as well as measures to actively involve citizens in the design of urban infrastructure were organized. was analyzed.
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